
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

BEST Al-Yousifi & The Biggest Electronics Store in Kuwait

Yesterday was the grand opening of the biggest electronics store in Kuwait and the second in the middle east, with total display area of 6000 m2

"YAMA" was there to allow all the bloggers to take photos (I posted about him here), it was so funny.. some bloggers try to knock him down but they can't.. loool :P

Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Yousifi talk about BEST electronics in general and AlRai store in details 
The store is very organized with enough space to shoppers to look around, and almost all electronics brands available..
The Biggest Plasma in Kuwait and exclusive at BEST store, here is some details if you would like to buy it, but i hope you don't change your mind when you know the price :P

Panasonic TH-15UX1
Contrast: 5,000.000:1
Resolution: 1920x1080
Convert 3D to 2D
The price is: 182,999.000 KD

Lighting section 
Mr. Kamal, Al-Rai Showroom Manager 
Ms. Fumie Ketajaki, Business Development Manager
again i forgot the Japanese traditional dress name, hmmm kimono :S
 Thanks BEST Al-Yousifi for the invitation :)


  1. thank u 7abitain, me too :D
    ur the only one who moved YAMA lol ;P
